Release Trailer Video

The final release trailer. Shows other levels from the game as well as being more compact.

Trailer Video

A trailer video of the first level, in what is probably final artwork. Highly edited to cram 15 minutes of game into 2 minutes.

The Tutorial Video

This video is a tutorial of how to complete the first level. It is not the only way, and it doesn't cover all the features of this level, but gives an introduction to the core game play that is utilised through out the rest of the game.

Note: This is a in-development version (as of 5-May-2010), this link will be replaced with a final version when the game is commercially available. Graphics, sound and even gameplay are subject to change during the coming QA and focus testing process.

First Sneak Peek

Get the Flash Player to see this video.

A low resolution MPG verison is available to download from here.

Video Development Blog

An on-going video development blog can viewed on from the Drop Spider YouTube Channel.

Below is just one clip. Be sure to read the descriptions with each clip.


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